On 20-jul-04, at 18:49, Roger Jorgensen wrote:
The faster we get cleaned up the .ip6.int vs .ip6.arpa in DNS the better it is. If we wait until 2006 or do it late this year doesn't matter, it will cause problems anyway.
Let's go for 2004 and get things moving just a little bit faster ... people have known about .ip6.arpa for some times so the support should have been there.
Just curious: why was there a change from ip6.int to ip6.arpa in the first place? And I suggest that those who find it hard to support both just go ahead and drop ip6.int themselves and see what problems this causes rather than push for elimination of ip6.int wholesale. In fact, it would probably be a good idea to keep ip6.int around forever. If nobody uses it, there is no harm in it being there. If people still use it, then removing it causes problems.