Dear colleagues,

Our second IPv6 exam certification - IPv6 Security Expert is now live. We have also launched a new e-learning course on IPv6 Security in the RIPE NCC Academy that is aligned with the exam. With the uptake in IPv6 adoption, we hope to see more network operators taking the necessary security precautions when using IPv6 and following best practice. The course consists of 17 modules and 7 lab activities, which will help you apply concepts learned and using actual tools and realistic scenarios.

You can find out more about the IPv6 Security Expert certification here:

And take a look at the IPv6 Security online course in the RIPE NCC Academy at:

I would like to acknowledge everyone who has participated in the exam and course creation process, from answering our job task analysis survey to testing the exam and reviewing the course material to testing the lab activities. Having the involvement of the community is one of the strengths of our exams, and we thank all our volunteers. 

If you have any questions or feedback, you can reach us at <>.

Best regards,

Sandra Bras

Assistant Manager Learning and Development