You might also want to look at RFC 4890, though that is enterprise focused.
Best wishes,
From: Sheikh Md Seum via ipv6-wg <ipv6-wg@ripe.net>
Date: Saturday, 5 October 2024 at 20:11
To: ipv6-wg@ripe.net <ipv6-wg@ripe.net>
Subject: [ipv6-wg] BCP/BCOP for ipv6 deployment and filtering policy
Hello all,
I'm trying to deploy IPv6 in a small ISP of Italy (AS203847).
While going through the deployment procedure I was not able to find any BCP/BCOP regarding how to filter ICMPv6, what standards should be followed.
For enterprise there exists RFC7381. Even though there are lot of similarities between enterprise and ISP there exists some differences.
Small ISP with less human resource might find security considerations addressed on RFC9099, address planning mentioned in RIPE-690 a bit difficult to follow.
So, what is your opinion to create a BCP/BCOP combining all these RFC and make it more easier to follow while deploying IPv6 in an ISP?
If something like this already exists or someone already working, it will be really helpful if someone shares.