1. Re: RIPE72 IPv6 WG: call for presentations (Benedikt Stockebrand)

Hello to all

I think the basic work for ISPs in concern to IPv6 is covered. But i miss the topics to be addressed if you want to migrate from a IPv4 Microsoft Active domain using company to an system where most server in an enterprise could by just IPv6 only and use technologies like NAT46 ( SIIT-DC ) or similar to still make IPv4 only windows clients happy.

Switching an enterprise with location around the global from a "we donot route any IPv6 traffic across our WAN Links" "most servers have IPv6 disabled" to
We start IPv6 routing partially and enable partial IPv6 support on servers in a Microsoft ADS environment seems not covered in most IPv6 covering websites and presentations.
Maintaining dual stack for the datacenters is just painfull and there should be a "single" device in the form of NAT46/SIIT/SIIT-DC in front of each server area. I am not sure that Active directory is ready for that.

We are currently moving a complete test ads domain into a Testlab with locations in AT/CN/FI/US into dualstack and here we accept a "not working" during migration and i also hope we can move some servers into a IPv6 only area of those networks. But for a production move we need to be shure that a partial enabling of Dualstack and IPv6 only networking for servers does not break things.
Any ideas or links which could help us here?

best regards
Christian Bretterhofer
https://andritz.me ( one Testlab DMZ)