(Jørgen Hovland) wrote:
Company X/DENIC may contact company Y/MCI. MCI may place 500 DENIC servers around the world at their collocation facilities. MCI may then assign DENIC one /64 prefix from their /32 prefix which will be routed to the closest DENIC server in MCIs network. Would this be a suitable solution? This /32 has not been given to MCI by the RIR explicit for anycast purposes.
Vendor/ISP dependence has never been a solution for better availability. Michael and you are somewhat off the track IMHO. Read Gert's comment, too. Yours, Elmar. -- "Begehe nur nicht den Fehler, Meinung durch Sachverstand zu substituieren." (PLemken, <bu6o7e$e6v0p$>) --------------------------------------------------------------[ ELMI-RIPE ]---