6 Oct
6 Oct
4:52 a.m.
Hi Eric, two quick questions (which might be of interest for the group as well):
And, the above (combined with uneducated ISP blocking IPv6 extension headers)
do you have newer numbers than those of http://www.ipv6conference.ch/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/T03-Vyncke-20160616-... (or RFC 7872 which, iirc, is based on research performed earlier than your's)
is even more frightening.... it forces the Internet in the hands of a couple of cloud providers and is a real ossification of the Internet
Can you elaborate on the line of argumentation here? thanks in advance & everybody have a great Sunday Enno -- Enno Rey @Enno_Insinuator https://theinternetprotocol.blog