-----Original Message----- From: Florian Weimer [mailto:fw@deneb.enyo.de]
This would imply that you cannot filter the routing table at prefix lengths less than /48. What's worse, outage of an ISP routes traffic to a now-unrelated ISP, which must discard traffic at its own cost. Better get rid of the aggregates. 8-/
In the country I live in I can change telecom provider and take my phone number with me to the new provider. Why shouldn't I be able to do that with internet providers?
PSTN routing is completely different. In Germany, routing is mostly static AFAIK, and there is no expectation that you can reach all phone numbers from every phone (and it doesn't work in some cases).
I can agree to that. So unless there are more to discuss in this matter may I suggest that somebody that really needs it, hello DENIC!:-), write a general PI proposal to speed up the process. Then maybe we all can begin using IPv6! That would be great. Cheers, Joergen Hovland