* Gert Doering
*wake up*. OpenVPN IPv6 development team here :-) - what's breaking for you?
I'm successfully using OpenVPN on the IPv6-only LAN. However there are a few caveats: 1) I need move /usr/sbin/openvpn aside and replace it with a wrapper script that substitutes "udp" and "tcp-client" with "udp6" and "tcp6-server" in the arguments list before exec-ing the real binary. This is because NetworkManager doesn't support the explicit IPv6 protocol definitions, and likely never will either as they are likely going away in the future. 2) I need to use TCP, because the server at work does not support UDP/IPv6 because enabling that in turn breaks --multihome for IPv4 clients: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/306 3) The OpenVPN server pushes a DNS server which gets higher priority than the DNS64 one here, which in turn breaks NAT64 and access to IPv4-only content. I found no way to override this in NM-OpenVPN, although I suppose I could do chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf instead... (not saying this is a bug in OpenVPN, more a general caveat when doing VPN from NAT64/DNS64 networks). Tore