Dear colleagues,


This is a call for nominations or volunteers to co-chair the RIPE IoT working group.



Please DO NOT reply to this message if you wish to propose a volunteer.



Call for RIPE IoT Working Group Chair


In accordance with the chair selection process we announce that the term of one of our co-chairs (Peter Steinhäuser) will expire at the upcoming RIPE 88 Meeting. We would like to invite volunteers, or nominations for someone to become a co-chair of the IoT working group.


Anyone may volunteer, and anyone may be nominated by someone else (we will check with the person for acceptance).

To do this, please send a mail to <peter.wehrle AT> before 30th April 2024. Please DO NOT send your volunteer/nomination directly to the IoT WG mailing list.


It would be helpful for candidates to give some words as to why they think they ought to be a co-chair, what new ideas, or improvements they might bring, and so on.


I will publish the list of volunteers, along with anything the volunteers wish to include with their nomination, to this mailing list no later than 4th May 2024. Discussion and support (or

opposition) for each candidate can then be offered on the list.


You can find a job description for RIPE WG Chairs here:


You can find an e-learning course about the role and responsibilities of RIPE Working Chairs here:


Please feel free to reach out to any of the chairs directly, to us as a group at iot-wg-chairs AT, or discuss this or any other any relevant topic on this mailing list.


Kind regards,

Peter Wehrle

IoT co-chair