Dear colleagues, During the closing plenary of RIPE 74 it was decided that two BoF sessions would be followed by a “regular” slot during the RIPE 75 meeting in Dubai. This was based on the prototype charter that was presented by Anna Wilson during the closing plenary and which has since seen some discussion on this list. So based on the expectations raised and the initial ideas (slide 9 of there is now a 90 minute session for which we need an agenda. As mentioned before, we can certainly help in organising and coordinating this, but we would like your input and ideas as well. So please respond to this email if you have any items you would like to see added to the session’s agenda. At minimum we should probably allow for some further discussion on the charter and way forward, As this is also the main theme for the IoT Roundtable Meeting in Leeds later this year, I can also give a short recap of that meeting as input to this discussion. Happy to hear your thoughts and ideas via this list or directly to my email address. Please note that due to local regulation we should have our initial agenda and speakers listed on the 12th of September. Regards, Marco Hogewoning -- External Relations - RIPE NCC