
This is being worked on, we are finalising all these pages and text over the coming days.

As the working group pages link to the mailing list, we decided to do the rename operation first and from there build the web pages that lead to it.

Expect it all to be ready and published at the end of the week. Of course if the working group, by means of its chair, suggests changes or additional text we can certainly incorporate that also after publication of the initial versions.


Sent from a small touch screen, apologies for typos

On 9 Nov 2017, at 09:09, Jim Reid <> wrote:

On 9 Nov 2017, at 08:07, sandoche Balakrichenan <> wrote:

==> Shouldn’t we add the charter(“”) here : ?

Yes. All in good time.

This is one of many things on my to do list once I've recovered from the joys of ICANN60. And next week’s IETF.


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