

I support Sandoche as co-chair. +1 for me.





From: iot-wg <iot-wg-bounces@ripe.net> On Behalf Of sandoche Balakrichenan
Sent: March 1, 2019 8:44 AM
To: RIPE IoT WG <iot-wg@ripe.net>
Subject: [iot-wg] Sandoche BALAKRICHENAN for co-chair


** I am re-posting my candidature, since Jim wants a discrete thread for each candidate with his/her name in the Subject line, thus making the decision process easier **

Dear all,

I would like to put my application for the co-chair role. I believe I could fit into Jim's criteria, not being among the usual suspects :-)

About me

I have been working at the French domain registry (Afnic) for the last 10 years. Since the beginning, I have been carrying out multiple
IoT-related initiatives and projects internally and/or with partners. My linked in profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandoche-balakrichenan-2a44645/

50% of my job profile is oriented towards technology watch, and thus  involved in activities at the IETF, GS1 (RFID, Barcode standardization),
AIOTI (The Alliance for the Internet of Things Innovation), RIPE, CENTR (Council for European Top Level Domains) and LoRa-Alliance.  

My interest in IoT includes identification, name resolution, service discovery and using DNS infrastructure as PKI for the IoT

Some milestones in my IoT profile:


What I could do in the Co-chair role?

  • Will be able to participate in all RIPE physical sessions  and other side meetings which a WG co-chair is supposed to attend.
  • Wil be able to allocate time to follow the policy proposal relevant to the WG; follow and respond to the mailing list discussion; ensure milestones and with the help of Jim, liaise with RIPE NCC.
  • Will be able to allocate time for administrative activities (like soliciting contents, preparing the agenda etc.) concerning the WG

If you believe i can be of use, thanks for your support.
