On 23 Mar 2012, at 17:03, Matjaž Straus Istenič wrote:
we are putting a couple of Bird route servers with an IXP manager front-end to Slovenian internet exchange (SIX). At route servers, we are using the well known model for BGP communities:
block announcement of a route to a certain peer 0:peer-as announcement of a route to a certain peer ix-as:peer-as block announcement of a route to all peers 0:ix-as announcement of a route to all peers ix-as:ix-as
How do you handle the announcements with no community set? Do you request that "announcement of a route to all peers" is set in order to announce the prefixes from your IXP route servers?
At LONAP, if no community is set, we send to all (duplicate the logic of ix-as:ix-as). Andy