All, Here is the draft agenda for the DNS-WG meeting in Dublin during RIPE-66. Note that this is subject to change, there still is some room for more things and we might actually fill the time with yet another panel but things aren't finalized yet. jaap ---- DNS WG, Thursday May 15th 11:00-12:30, Morning Session A. Administrative matters +5 min o Welcome o Scribe selection/introduction o Jabber selection/introduction o Microphone Etiquette o Finalise agenda B. Matters arising from RIPE-59 Minutes +5 min C. Review of Action items +1 min (No open items) D. Ripe NCC Report +20 min Romeo Zwart (tentative) E. ENUM-WG Update +15 min Niall O'Reilly or Carsten Schiefner F. Analysis of query traffic to .com/.net name servers +30 min Matt Larson, Verisign G. New DNS zone parser for Knot +15 min Marek Vavrusa, nic.cz ___________________ DNS WG, Thursday May 15th 14:00-15:30, Afternoon Session H. DNS Abuse @.nl +20 min SIDN Experiences with (Rate) limiting Stephan Rütten, SIDN I. News from SSAC +20 min Issues with unallocated TLDs that shortly will be allocated, case study with internal certificates Patrik Fältström, Netnod K. OpenDNSSEC +15 min Sara Dickinson, Sinodun Z. AOB
participants (1)
Jaap Akkerhuis