Re: [SPAM] Re: [dns-wg] rMX and rDNS together make spamming more difficult ?
Jaap Akkerhuis wrote:
I m waiting feedback, have I missed something ?
Probably. The dns-wg is about dns, not about anti-spam. Maybe you should take your ideas to the antispam group first.
I think that is very limited thinking. If we all only think that I only care my sandbox then we have this kind of problem. It was one of RIPE s person said after I was published this idea in a antispamlist that maybe also open discuss on dns-wg list ... Maybe he saw that this kind of co-operate is needed to build more rules to take care of that our nets works in future. I hate rules. But we need rules, because Internet is not any more that nice environment what it was ex. on 90 s. Some people think that net is free place todo and TRY everything. Somebody must take care build more rules that those who like to use net like it has planned, build something to take care it. Why dns-wg ? Because if we (operator, ISP,...) like to build better working net, we need dns help also in this kind of solution. And my ideas (and MTAmark) need domains updating. That the reason why I published my idea also in this forum. And only (except J rgen) feedback what I have got is something like is this correct forum, why you don t use your real email, or why write my email some stupid format on ... but I have not yet got any real feedback where has analyze base idea. Is that possible that it give some more than current methods ? So most feedbacks has been personal, no need to send maillist and cause noice. If some mail not belongs some maillist, simpliest way is say nothing. Then it s only one line ... My idea give posibilities to limit acceptable mta s, not stop. But if somebody server like to make selection to accept connection only from in in-addr-arpa. domain registered mta s, then it can do it. Selection is server priviledge. And if youlike to send mail to that server, you must use registered mta. So it is one more tool to smtp rule stack. Or are you saying that everything is okay, we have no risk that something crash ? Ex. if Finlands biggest operator route smtp packet even 5 weeks, our network is okay ? This is true in year 2003. -jukka-
On 2003-11-28, at 06.57, wrote:
Probably. The dns-wg is about dns, not about anti-spam. Maybe you should take your ideas to the antispam group first.
I think that is very limited thinking. If we all only think that I only care my sandbox then we have this kind of problem. It was one of RIPE s person said after I was published this idea in a antispamlist that maybe also open discuss on dns-wg list ...
What Jaap is saying is that the DNS wg is dealing with DNS issues, and the RMX one is definitely not a DNS issue. The DNS part of RMX is simple, and works. The impact on SMTP, and potentially what RMX help with etc must be discussed with SMTP people, not DNS people. Of course, the membership of such groups (DNS and SMTP) is overlapping, BUT, we need to try to make sure things are discussed in the correct forum.
Why dns-wg ? Because if we (operator, ISP,...) like to build better working net, we need dns help also in this kind of solution. And my ideas (and MTAmark) need domains updating. That the reason why I published my idea also in this forum.
Correct, and DNS issues and rules are to be discussed here. Including a rule which say "one should always have RMX records if one have MX" is such a potential rule. paf
participants (2)
Patrik Fältström