DNS-WG at RIPE 88: Second call for presentations

Dear colleagues, RIPE 88, taking place in Krakow, is coming closer. The meeting will be held from 20 to 24 May. Our working group meeting is currently scheduled on the 22th, but note that this might still change. This e-mail is our second official call for topics for the RIPE DNS working group session. If you are interested in presenting, please send your proposals to dns-wg-chairs@ripe.net. Please also indicate how much time you would need for your presentation including Q&A. As usual, both in-person and remote participation in the working group is possible. This second call for presentations will end on the 6th of May and the final schedule should be ready soon after this deadline. Kind regards, Dodo — on behalf of the RIPE DNS WG chairs
participants (1)
Doris Hauser