RE: DNS Top Level Domain Questionnaire

Date: Mon, 6 Nov 1995 06:31:45 +0000 (GMT) From: Guy Davies <>
Response to the questionnaire has, so far, been a bit disappointing. I have received only eight filled in questionnaires.
Dear Guy, sorry for beeing late, we just finished our answers after circulating them through all involved people. You got the answers for AT a few minutes ago. Because of the fact that not all TLD registries were positively participating in this effort, we would strongly suggest, that only those parties who DID respond are getting the result. We are seeing the collection of answers to this first "European TLD Questionnaire" as an internal working paper to the *actively* interested and participating part of the DNS-WG and not to be published to a broader audience. If you decide to publish an URL to whatever larger community please exclude our information (for AT) ! As soon as the situation has stabilized we will provide you with a paper which might be included in your public collection. Kind regards, Christian --- Christian Panigl : Vienna University Computer Center - ACOnet --- --- VUCC - ACOnet : -------------------------------------------- --- --- Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Internet: --- --- A-1010 Vienna / Austria : Tel: +43 1 4065822-383 (Fax: -170) ---

Hello Christian, After your message and a similar one from Antonio Blasco, I would like to assure you that I will not publish any information you do not wish for a wider audience. It was not my wish to impose publication upon you, I merely felt that the information might be useful to people outside our small working group. I will contact RIPE in order to try to organise some web space and the appropriate group access lists for this information to be made available to all those actively participating in this questionnaire. Thankyou again to all who have returned filled in questionnaires and I apologise if I appear impatient with those whose busy schedules may have made this impossible so far. On Mon, 6 Nov 1995, Christian Panigl, ACOnet/UniVie +43 1 4065822-383 wrote:
Dear Guy,
sorry for beeing late, we just finished our answers after circulating them through all involved people. You got the answers for AT a few minutes ago.
Yes, thankyou for such a complete description of your system :-)
Because of the fact that not all TLD registries were positively participating in this effort, we would strongly suggest, that only those parties who DID respond are getting the result. We are seeing the collection of answers to this first "European TLD Questionnaire" as an internal working paper to the *actively* interested and participating part of the DNS-WG and not to be published to a broader audience.
I accept your suggestions and look forward to some interesting discussions of the various approaches to the problems facing us all.
If you decide to publish an URL to whatever larger community please exclude our information (for AT) ! As soon as the situation has stabilized we will provide you with a paper which might be included in your public collection.
I will *not* publish anything which people do not want me to. Maybe the results of the working paper and the subsequent discussions could provide the basis for a more public document?
Kind regards, Christian
Regards, Guy Davies tel: 01223 250122 ---------- fax: 01223 250121 Network Support Engineer email: Unipalm PIPEX url: 216 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 4WA

My 2 cents: I think the WG should re-ask itself what the purpose of the exercise was. Was it to let TLD admins see what others do? If yes, circulate the results among the respondents and give it a wider audience (the WG) later on, if all respondents agree. If the goal was to collect information for the information of, potential registrants then keeping it confidential is somewhat counterproductive. Maybe you want to publishjust part of the responses. Daniel

My 2 cents:
I think the WG should re-ask itself what the purpose of the exercise was. Was it to let TLD admins see what others do? If yes, circulate
This was indeed the goal, as stated in the last mod of the draft minutes who nobody has yet objected about: TLD administrators are increasingly contacted by multinational company which wants to create a bunch of domains in different countries. Different countries have different policies and procedures. The requestor often challenge the TLD aministrator with questions about differences in naming and registration policies. A European TLD forum might be useful to have a better understanding of the matter. The first move should be to collect how TLD management is done over Europe. As a starting point the working group decided to set up a questionnaire. The main reason to collect such information is to help the TLD administrators in their task by knowing the guidelines followed by other countries. If they wish TLD administrators have then the possibility to keep themselves aligned to the mean behaviour (best current practice?), to reduce disputes about registration requests. During the meeting Guy Davies (GD) started collecting a lot of proposed questions. He will organise the questionnaire and submit it to the list for review and later send it to the European TLD admins. [Action on GD]
the results among the respondents and give it a wider audience (the WG) later on, if all respondents agree.
That is the useful thing to do, at least initially.
If the goal was to collect information for the information of, potential registrants then keeping it confidential is somewhat counterproductive. Maybe you want to publishjust part of the responses.
That wasn't discussed at the WG meeting. I think that, after we have a clearer picture of what TLD admins do, we can discuss if and how publish the results or parts of them. Keeping everything confidential as well as publishing everything have different pros and cons which can properly judged only by TLD admins. I would leave this issue for further discussion.
Blasco ---------- ---------- Antonio_Blasco Bonito E-Mail: GARR - Network Information Service c=it;a=garr;p=garr;o=nis;s=bonito c/o CNUCE - Istituto del CNR Tel: +39 50 593246 Via S. Maria, 36 Fax: +39 50 904052 I-56126 PISA Telex: 500371 CNUCE I Italy Url: ---------- ----------

Hello All,
From: Daniel Karrenberg <>
I think the WG should re-ask itself what the purpose of the exercise was. Was it to let TLD admins see what others do? If yes, circulate the results among the respondents and give it a wider audience (the WG) later on, if all respondents agree.
This item (TLD questionary) is connected with latest changes in .XXX domain registration policy (payment). I think we (DNS WG, not TLD representative) understand - that can happens in future with such policies and that problems we can meet with it. As first step this TLD questionary is good direction - what is near us in the another countries. And TLD represenattivies can answer on this questionaries with understanding of this task - his answers on it may be not full and may be not very correct - it is the only survey in purpose of DNS WG. The result of this survey can't be used as reference material for specific country TLD policy. If TLD representativies want establish closed group for some task they can define target of it and make it, of course. But in my mind it isn't DNS WG job.
From: "Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet" <>
My *personal* point of view is that DNS coordination, and TLD administration, with all of it's aspects should be an open activity. If some of the TLD administrations do think otherwise, then this should be sorted out first.
In my mind at least TLD is free of charge you right. But first step to introduce payments may be to restrict circulation of some information. Of course, the undesire of answer for survey may be another - for exam rules written in national language. In any way we can promise to use the result of TLD questionary as survey only. - Leonid Yegoshin, LY22
participants (5)
Antonio_Blasco Bonito
Christian Panigl, ACOnet/UniVie +43 1 4065822-383
Daniel Karrenberg
Guy Davies