RIPE 74 call for late submissions, LTs, and one tutorial and BoF
Dear colleagues, Brief version: The RIPE PC invites submissions for plenary, tutorial, BoF and Lightning Talks. Longer version: As distinct from previous RIPE meetings, the RIPE Programme Committee decided to keep two plenary slots open for so-called “late submission”. These plenary slots gives the community the opportunity to submit presentations that report on recent developments, issues, security incidents, etc., that are relevant to the RIPE audience. Independent from the realisation of late submissions, the PC has received a fair amount of high-quality submissions for the first deadline on March 12th. From these submissions, we have selected 14 presentations to complete the RIPE 74 plenary programme and no second CFP with a deadline in April was required. For the tutorials and BoFs we have one slot for each available: - Monday morning, 2 hour tutorial slot - evening, 1 hour BoF slot Also please consider to submit Lightning Talks for the Monday plenary. During the week of the RIPE meeting we will accept LTs for Tuesday and Friday. Please submit your plenary “late submission”, tutorial or BoF submission via the PC submission system, The deadline for the submissions is *April 26th*. Kind regards, Benno Overeinder RIPE PC Chair -------------------->>><<<-------------------- Call for Presentations A RIPE Meeting is an open event where Internet Service Providers, network operators and other interested parties get together. Although the meeting is mostly technical, it is also a chance for people to meet and network with others in their field. RIPE 74 will take place from 8-12 May 2017 in Budapest, Hungary. The RIPE Programme Committee (PC) is now seeking content proposals from the RIPE community for the plenary sessions, BoFs (Birds of a Feather sessions), panels, workshops, tutorials and lightning talks at RIPE 74. See the full descriptions of the different presentation formats, Proposals for plenary sessions, BoFs, panels, workshops and tutorials must be submitted for full consideration no later than 26 April 2017. Proposals submitted after this date will be considered depending on the remaining available space in the programme. The PC is looking for presentations covering topics of network engineering and operations, including but not limited to: - IPv6 deployment - Managing IPv4 scarcity - Data centre technologies - Network and DNS operations - Internet governance and regulatory practices - Network and routing security - Content delivery - Internet peering and mobile data exchange - Connected Things (aka. Internet of Things - IoT) Submissions RIPE Meeting attendees are quite sensitive to keeping presentations non-commercial, and product marketing talks are strongly discouraged. Repeated audience feedback shows that the most successful talks focus on operational experience, research results, or case studies. For example, presenters wishing to describe a commercial solution should focus on the underlying technology and not attempt a product demonstration. Presenters should indicate how much time they will require. In general, the time allocated for the different presentation formats is as follows: - Plenary presentations: 20-25 minutes presentation with 5-10 minutes discussion - Tutorials: up to two hours (Monday morning) - Workshops: one hour (during evening sessions) to two hours (Monday morning) - BoFs: approximately one hour - Lightning talks: 10 minutes total for both presentation and any discussion The following general requirements apply: - Proposals must be submitted using the meeting submission system, - Lightning talks should also be submitted using the meeting submission system ( and can be submitted any time up to and including the meeting week. Allocation of lightning talks will start a few days before the meeting, and will continue throughout the meeting. During the meeting, they may be announced on the day before the talk or even on the same day as the talk. - Lightning talks should also be submitted using the meeting submission system ( and can be submitted any time up to and including the meeting week. The allocation of lightning talks will be announced on short notice, in some cases on the same day but often one day prior to the time slot allocated. - Presenters who propose a panel or BoF are encouraged to include speakers from several (perhaps even competing) companies and/or a neutral facilitator. - All presentation proposals will only be considered by the PC if they contain at least draft presentation slides (slides may be updated later on). For panels, proposals must contain a clear description, as well as the names of invited panellists, presenters and moderators. - Due to potential technical issues, presenters/panellists should be physically present at the RIPE Meeting. If you have any questions or requests concerning content submissions, please email pc [at] ripe [dot] net. -- Benno J. Overeinder NLnet Labs
participants (1)
Benno Overeinder