Point C on the agenda below might be interesting for people on this list. Daniel ----- Forwarded message from Daniel Karrenberg <daniel.karrenberg@ripe.net> ----- Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 06:50:16 +0200 From: Daniel Karrenberg <daniel.karrenberg@ripe.net> To: techsec-wg@ripe.net Cc: meeting@ripe.net, webmaster@ripe.net, Lars-Johan Liman <liman@autonomica.se>, Yuri Demchenko <demch@nlnetlabs.nl>, "Olaf M. Kolkman" <olaf@ripe.net> Subject: Agenda TechSec-wg Barcelona TechSec-ers, Over the last few weeks there have been additional agenda points suggested. Because of other obligations I am a bit late with updating the agenda. My sincere apologies. Here is my suggestion so far. There should be time for more, so if you have relevant material, just be there and we will bash the agenda. (for Ted) Daniel ----- A. Administrative Matters - scribe - list of participants - agenda - minutes B. Disi report, Olaf Kolkman - 15 minutes Report on the status of the DISI project and the state of DNSSEC in the IETF. C. Signing the Root Zone, Johan Ihren (via Lars-Johan Liman) - 40 minutes Presentation on draft-ietf-dnsop-interim-signed-root-01.txt and draft-ihren-dnsext-threshold-validation-00.txt. Also some discussion whether the RIPE NCC should spend time on this. See also message <3EA54B21.3070307@ripe.net> from Andrei Robachevsky on the dns-wg and local-ir mailing lists. D. Fonkey project update: target applications, Yuri Demchenko - 15 minutes. Short information about the status of the project and description of target applications, including extended PGP keyserver, attributes/privilege server, location server. E. Overview of Related Activities Elsewhere, Yuri Demchenko - 20 minutes Information about activities and projects among CSIRT community (IETF INCH WG and IODEF development, CERT/CC and TF-CSIRT projects, usage of IRT object in RIPE NCC Database by CSIRT community). Short overview of PKI/AA activities and exploring interest of WG in providing more information about PKI/AA developments (in context of supporting PKI based RIPE NCC Improved Secure Communication System), including training courses. F. Any Other Business ----- End forwarded message -----