Hello Christian, After your message and a similar one from Antonio Blasco, I would like to assure you that I will not publish any information you do not wish for a wider audience. It was not my wish to impose publication upon you, I merely felt that the information might be useful to people outside our small working group. I will contact RIPE in order to try to organise some web space and the appropriate group access lists for this information to be made available to all those actively participating in this questionnaire. Thankyou again to all who have returned filled in questionnaires and I apologise if I appear impatient with those whose busy schedules may have made this impossible so far. On Mon, 6 Nov 1995, Christian Panigl, ACOnet/UniVie +43 1 4065822-383 wrote:
Dear Guy,
sorry for beeing late, we just finished our answers after circulating them through all involved people. You got the answers for AT a few minutes ago.
Yes, thankyou for such a complete description of your system :-)
Because of the fact that not all TLD registries were positively participating in this effort, we would strongly suggest, that only those parties who DID respond are getting the result. We are seeing the collection of answers to this first "European TLD Questionnaire" as an internal working paper to the *actively* interested and participating part of the DNS-WG and not to be published to a broader audience.
I accept your suggestions and look forward to some interesting discussions of the various approaches to the problems facing us all.
If you decide to publish an URL to whatever larger community please exclude our information (for AT) ! As soon as the situation has stabilized we will provide you with a paper which might be included in your public collection.
I will *not* publish anything which people do not want me to. Maybe the results of the working paper and the subsequent discussions could provide the basis for a more public document?
Kind regards, Christian
Regards, Guy Davies tel: 01223 250122 ---------- fax: 01223 250121 Network Support Engineer email: guyd@pipex.net Unipalm PIPEX url: http://www.pipex.net 216 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 4WA