Hi Randy I agree with you and that’s why i pushed for the dns wg to have a blind period of candidate collection during which no one sees who else might be volunteering. What you see now is the publication of the candidate list after that period elapsed. Turns out no one else volunteered On top of that we have term limits to “force” renewal, so basically I think we agree Joao
On 15 Oct 2020, at 19:47, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
Supporting Joao is a no-brainer - +1
actually, i would suggest it is not.
[ aside: i like joão, and think he has done a fine job. i might join the +1s, except for the following ]
i thought we wanted to encourage new/young folk to enter and play. when we have an 'election' and an incumbent instantly steps up, and 42 people all say +1, all within a day or two, this is a total barrier to any new entrant.
so, to put our money where our mouths are [0] two suggestions
o no +1s. leave it until the actual election
o we might think about term limits
[0] idiom meaning to walk what we talk [1]
[1] idiom meaning to do as we say :)