3 Feb
3 Feb
12:40 p.m.
Now 111.131.in-addr.arpa is signed (since September 2009), and currently registered at dlv.isc.org. Along with the other high-level ARIN reverse zones, 131.in-addr.arpa is also signed, and
Looking at this from a slightly different angle (with ERX in mind) ...
Excerpt from the above webpage:
"Today, delegations under in-addr.arpa are served by servers operated by ARIN and its contractors,..."
Seems to indicate that ARIN has the complete and exclusive control over the full (IPv4-) Reverse Tree? If so, what's the situation for IP6.ARPA?
plz see the ietf - Protocol Action: 'Nameservers for IPv4 and IPv6 Reverse Zones' to BCP --bill