I'm new to this particular WG For a Charter of this WG, see http://www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/dns/index.html but I'd like to raise an issue that I feel is best discussed in a European DNS forum. It has to do with .eu: <http://europa.eu.int/information_society/newsroom/cf/itemlongdetail.cfm?item_id=1383> According to my understanding, there will be direct 2nd level domains - like ibm.eu or ripe.eu or even tonyblair.eu. Up till now, most countries employed a hierarchical structure such as ac.xx or co.xx or org.xx. What do we lose by eliminating 2nd level domains? Since .eu is a totally new TLD - perhaps not much, but what happens to countries that then decide to follow the same path as Singapore recently did (they are cc'ed to this email): http://www.nic.net.sg/newsroom/20040816030345.html Are there any limitations to what a 2nd level domain name can be (not referring to trademarks)? I.e. would a single digit or letter be allowed? Would co.sg be allowed (up till now com.sg was the main commercial 2nd level domain)? Note that these questions are really concerning the local naming policy in a domain. There is no global answer to these questions. It really depends on the local policy. I seem to remember that the introduction of SLDs in the sg domain was at request of the local community. Are other countries considering following the same path? I'm not aware of others but it might. Thise type of questions are best asked at a more policy oriented mailing list, such as cctld-discuss@wwtld.org. jaap