Ed Lewis will be giving a presentation at the WG next week on ARIN's proposals for checking DNS delegations. I've passed a copy of his slides to RIPE NCC for their comments. [This could well turn out to be a subject that RIRs might want to co-ordinate or establish a commpn policy.] The slides probably won't be on the RIPE web site until after WG, so apologies that the detail isn't available yet. Ed's kindly provided the following shopping list of stuff that ARIN are considering. These issues -- and others! -- are likely to crop up if/when a similar policy is adopted by RIPE NCC. I've forwarded Ed's summary to the list so that we can think about this and perhaps have a discussion on the mailing list before the WG meets. Hopefully this could bring some focus to the panel session that's been arranged for the WG next week. ------- Forwarded Message Message-Id: <a05111b0ebad47bb890b7@[]> Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 15:07:00 -0400 To: Jim.Reid@nominum.com, Patrik Faltstrom <paf@cisco.com>, Peter Koch <pk@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de> From: Edward Lewis <edlewis@arin.net> Subject: ripe 45 notes Cc: Edward Lewis <edlewis@arin.net> ARIN's membership has adopted a policy (found at the following URL: http://www.arin.net/policy/2002_1.html). The policy omits many engineering details, as these are being uncovered we are noting them. This presentation is a discussion of issues identified to date. Note that this is an engineering discussion, not a report on progress nor a statement on findings. Most of the presentation consists of a laundry list of issues. Here is a synopsis of the issues: 0) What is the purpose? 1) Data is stored in different formats - registration database is not a mirror of the DNS. People will have different perspectives - other than DNS. 2) When is a good time to report problems? How can this be done (wrt time ordering) in a clear manner? 3) Data in DB changes over time, even in result of testing reports 4) Incremental nature of tool development 5) Staff impacts, how this will impact those who answer the email and phones 6) Kinds of (and importance of) statistics 7) Firmness of testing, how rigorous? 8) Correlating data in the DB, specifically ASN's and prefixes with the context being RIR specific here - -- - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Edward Lewis +1-703-227-9854 ARIN Research Engineer It's true, my last college class really was "Introduction to Ada." ------- End of Forwarded Message