Note, the ISO information is somewhat confusing. BTW, the "official" ISO list doesn't have EU: lists/list-en1.html This is just a subset of the 3166 list. To quote: This list states the country names (official short names in English) in alphabetical order as given in ISO 3166-1 and the corresponding ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements. and European Union(*) is clearly not country. The UNITED KINGDOM(**) is (GB) but the United Kingdom(*) (UK) apparently not. The list Kim points to, the "decoding table" ( lists/iso_3166-1_decoding_table.html) contains all codes covered by 3166. To quote: This decoding table provides the user of ISO 3166-1 with an easy access to the definition of all 676 code elements available in the alpha-2 code of ISO's country code standard. So, be careful what you quote. jaap (*) Spelling according to the code table. See also footnote (b) of this table (**) Short name; Official name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Island (according to 3166 5th edition).