-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 ** Swedish ISP TDC Song Adopts DNSSEC Swedish Internet Service Provider TDC Song announced in a press release on Friday that it will run DNSSEC on its name servers and thus be able to offer safer broadband services to its customers. TDC Song will be using .SE-DNSSEC, a service offered by .SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation) responsible for the Swedish top-level domain .se. For the full press release (in Swedish), see: http://wpy.observer.se/wpyfs/00/00/00/00/00/09/35/D0/release.html ** Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder Quality & Security Manager .SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation) P O Box 7399 103 91 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 8 452 35 00, direct: +46 8 452 35 17, mobile: +46 734 315 310 E-mail: anne-marie.eklund-lowinder@iis.se Web: www.iis.se -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 8.1 iQA/AwUBRdCLtaXc8AFCsc+UEQIB8QCg4aRoRyiK+TzRgYOSCb8eBMSyUCsAn2v9 8PdylTKBWZcOnYC2sUed8jLy =ABy6 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----