Hello Mehdi, On 13/11/06 14:31 , Mehdi Sabour wrote:
Dear Colleague,
I have faced a problem and I want to address it to you; I hope you can help me.
I have created PTR record in my DNS Servers and make its domain in Ripe Database 67.104.77.in-addr.arpa on Monday 4^th of November. However, DNS servers do not resolve this IP address. I checked this IP in my DNS Server and Ripe database and It seems everything is OK. I promise you can help me.
We will have a look at this asap. I suggest that we followup with you off-line. In future please direct operational requests at 'dns@ripe.net'. Kind regards, Romeo
Best Regards.
--- Mehdi Sabour
OC Manager
Technical Division Respina Networks & Beyond T: +98 21 84 23 00 00 F: +98 21 88 19 10 83 www.respina.net <http://www.respina.net/>
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