When discussing the agenda, and order of the items, items related to CENTR and registry/registrar mechanisms are taken care of _FIRST_, on the Tuesday session. The rest on Thursday. I will personally not arrive to Amsterdam until Wed evening, so Peter, Jaap and Jim will take care of the wg until thursday morning. Any suggestions on late changes I because of this redirect at them. regards, paf Agenda at RIPE 46 ----------------- Tuesday 16:00-17:30 ------------------- [0] Charter / Agenda Bashing / Goals etc 0.1 Agenda, welcome etc (15 min) Discussion: Peter Koch, Jim Reid and Jaap Akkerhuis. [2] Reports / status items (same bullets every meeting) 2.5 IDN deployment / experience 2.5.1 Experience in Poland (15 minutes) Andrzej Bartosiewicz <andrzejb@nask.pl> 2.7 CENTR Technical committee 2.7.1 Report from .JP (10 min) Yasuhiro Orange Morishita / 森下泰宏 <yasuhiro@jprs.co.jp> - JP DNS server update - IDN deployment update - Report from DNSQC-TF (DNS Quality check Task Force) 2.7.2 Report from .PL (10 min) Andrzej Bartosiewicz [3] Special invited (longer) presentation (30 min) 3.1 RIPE NCC DNS Monitoring Daniel Karrenberg <daniel.karrenberg@ripe.net> Thursday 9:00-10:30 ------------------- [0] Charter / Agenda Bashing / Goals etc (30 min) Leader of the discussion: Patrik Faltstrom Help from co-chairs: Peter Koch, Jim Reid and Jaap Akkerhuis. 0.2 Charter 0.3 What are we doing here anyway? [1] Topics with deliverables (15 min) 1.1 Quality of the DNS Topic-Leader: Unknown 1.1.1 Background, deliverables, participants etc Who will lead this topic? Deliverables 1.2.1 Tools DomainSentinel (15 min) John Brown <role@chagres.net> [2] Reports / status items (same bullets every meeting) 2.1 Monitoring 2.1.1 RIPE NCC DNS Monitoring (5 min) Daniel Karrenberg <daniel.karrenberg@ripe.net> 2.2 DNS in the IETF 2.2.1 DNSEXT (5 min) Olaf Kolkman <olaf@ripe.net> 2.2.2 DNSOP (5 min) Lars-Johan Liman <liman@autonomica.se> 2.2.3 Other wg's which touch DNS SSHFP (5 min) Jakob Schlyter <jakob@rfc.se> ENUM (5 min) Patrik Faltstrom <paf@cisco.com> PROVREG (5 min) Jaap Akkerhuis <jaap@sidn.nl> Thursday 11:00-12:30 -------------------- 2.4 Root servers 2.4.2 B-Root (5 min) Bill Manning <bmanning@ISI.EDU> 2.4.2 F-Root (5 min) Joao Damas <joao@isc.org> 2.4.3 I-Root (5 min) Lars-Johan Liman <liman@autonomica.se> 2.6 DNSSEC deployment / experience 2.6.1 DNSSEC status (5 min) Sam Weiler <weiler@tislabs.com> 2.7 Anycast deployment / experience 2.7.1 Dave Knight (5 min) 2.8 DNS Software 2.8.1 Bind (5 min) Joao Damas <joao@isc.org> 2.8.2 OpenReg (5 min) Joao Damas <joao@isc.org> 2.8.3 NSD (5 min) Ted Lindgreen <ted@NLnetLabs.nl> 2.9 IPv6 deployment / experience 2.9.1 Adding IPv6 glue to the root zone (5 min) Ronald van der Pol [4] Temporary items 4.1 Use of DNS for SPAM prevention (15 min + max 10 minutes discussion) Note: This is not to be a spam discussion, but more a heads-up on the various mechanisms which exists and are discussed for example in the anti-spam research group in the IETF. Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. <amitchell@habeas.com> 4.2 The status of the rs.net testbed: (15 min) Bill Manning <bmanning@ISI.EDU> CN & JP tlds registered punycode entries KeyMgmt issues w/ persistant DNSSEC testbeds Precursors for IPv6 tlds & glue in the root zone 4.3 SYN flood like patterns on nameserver due to firewall issues? Peter Koch <pk@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>