12 Jun
12 Jun
1:43 p.m.
On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 11:39:33AM +0200, Antonio Prado via dns-wg <dns-wg@ripe.net> wrote a message of 42 lines which said:
does the SLD .gov.* within european countries' ccTLDs identify only central government bodies and not local government or other public administrations as well?
I guess most answers will be "it depends" :-) For gouv.fr (gouv = gouvernement, which, in french, means only the national one), it is only central bodies, "independant" administrations like CNIL or ARCEP don't use it. Same thing for local authorities . For details (in french), see <https://www.afnic.fr/medias/documents/Cadre_legal/Charte_de_nommage_25052018_VF.pdf>, section 2.5.