Joao, tl;dr http://www.ð“ŽŸð“€€.net (a.k.a. http://www.xn--5o7dx5d.net/) works! You rock man. Details if anyone is interested: gandi.net understands the question, but it doesn't handle IDN perfectly. I needed to select the language of the domain name (which is weird and annoying, because computers are really good about looking things up in tables, so the site could trivially figure out which language the name was using). For some weird reason, Egyptian hieroglyphs are not a language on the list (although Coptic is, but that's a couple thousand years too modern for my purposes here). I can choose literally any language and then I can submit my request... so I was not at all confident that it would actually work. I picked Armenian or something near the top and it seemed to accept the order. But I decided to go for it, even though I was worried that it would choke. I submitted the order and had a short wait for some problem with the gandi.net service. It started exactly the minute I submitted my order, but hopefully that is a coincidence. Surely? :P It looks cleared up 10 minutes later, and the domain was registered! I went ahead and used the gandi.net servers, [a-c].dns.gandi.net, which were giving REFUSED to queries. Anyway, that eventually cleared up too. I tried updating the zone there to point to my web server, but it took ages to appear in the DNS. While waiting I set up my own DNS. This took about 15 minutes, by which time the gandi servers had updated but I made the switch to my own setup anyway. For some reason glue under the new domain didn't show up at the VeriSign gTLD DNS server, although the NS records in .NET were happily updated. I changed to using an out-of-bailiwick name for the name servers (same IP addresses) and everything is happy now. (I don't know whether to blame VeriSign or gandi for this - the beauty of the registry/registrar model!) I'm not super-impressed with gandi as a "real registry", although I fully recognize that what I just did here was a very weird case. I am glad that it worked at all. :) Finally,with a bit of Apache configuration we're partying like it's 1999... B.C.!!! w00t! Note that both Firefox and Chromium refuse to display the hieroglyphics in the URL bar. My guess is that they display any IDN that they don't understand as punycode in order to minimize semantic attacks (I think there is a hieroglyph for the sun that looks like a circle that I guess could be confused for zero, so maybe this makes sense? maybe?). I did need to install some fonts for everything to look correct: $ sudo apt install fonts-ancient-scripts As a final note, apparently Egyptian hieroglyphs can read left-to-right, right-to-left, or top-to-bottom. For the horizontal versions, the way that the characters are facing show you which way to read it (that's nice meta-data). I wonder if I need to register a separate domain for that version? Is there an ICANN policy on this? Surely this is an important item for some GNSO IDN working group... ;) Anyway thanks again. :) Cheers, -- Shane