Quoting Jim Reid <jim@rfc1035.com>: An overall very interesting and informative document. How about this quote: "Paper submissions should include a three and one-half inch computer diskette in HTML, ASCII, Word or WordPerfect format (please specify version). Diskettes should be labeled with the name and organizational affiliation of the filer, and the name of the word processing program used to create the document. Alternatively, comments may be submitted electronically to IANAFunctions@ntia.doc.gov. Comments provided via electronic mail should also be submitted in one or more of the formats specified above." Three and one-half inch computer diskette? In 2011? Not to mention the acceptance of WordPerfect and lack for example of pdf. Is this a way to discourage comments? :-P Regards, Kostas
Colleagues, NTIA has just issued an RFC on IANA's operation and governance. [No, not an IETF one!] Comments have to be in by the end of March. Response to this RFC will help NTIA to decide about what happens when its current IANA contract ends in September. Here's the URL: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/frnotices/2011/fr_ianafunctionsnoi_02252011.pdf
It's not clear to me if this is something the WG collectively could or should respond to. That's up you all of you to decide. However some of you may want to submit your own responses to NTIA.