Hello All,
From: Daniel Karrenberg <Daniel.Karrenberg@ripe.net>
I think the WG should re-ask itself what the purpose of the exercise was. Was it to let TLD admins see what others do? If yes, circulate the results among the respondents and give it a wider audience (the WG) later on, if all respondents agree.
This item (TLD questionary) is connected with latest changes in .XXX domain registration policy (payment). I think we (DNS WG, not TLD representative) understand - that can happens in future with such policies and that problems we can meet with it. As first step this TLD questionary is good direction - what is near us in the another countries. And TLD represenattivies can answer on this questionaries with understanding of this task - his answers on it may be not full and may be not very correct - it is the only survey in purpose of DNS WG. The result of this survey can't be used as reference material for specific country TLD policy. If TLD representativies want establish closed group for some task they can define target of it and make it, of course. But in my mind it isn't DNS WG job.
From: "Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet" <woeber@cc.univie.ac.at>
My *personal* point of view is that DNS coordination, and TLD administration, with all of it's aspects should be an open activity. If some of the TLD administrations do think otherwise, then this should be sorted out first.
In my mind at least TLD is free of charge you right. But first step to introduce payments may be to restrict circulation of some information. Of course, the undesire of answer for survey may be another - for exam rules written in national language. In any way we can promise to use the result of TLD questionary as survey only. - Leonid Yegoshin, LY22