Piet Beertema <Piet.Beertema@cwi.nl> writes * I.e. is there something that can be done to disuade a provider - say * provider.top from registering his customer companies as * company1.provider.top * company2.provider.top etc.. * The rules for registering a domain under .NL explicitly * forbid this (short-form translation: "subdomains under a * domain registered by an organisation may only pertain to * said organisation; registering third parties under the * domain is not allowed"). Hmm, does this only apply to real domains or also to hostnames which is very usual practice for dialin/SLIP type of providers? It basically comes down to the same thing. company.provider.top A a.b.c.d or company.provider.top NS some.where.else in my view is kind of the same, at least in binding the companies domain name and email address to the provider. Even in NL the first one is common practice. -Marten