The second of our two sessions focusing on the DNS4EU project takes place this afternoon at 16:00 UTC (17:00 CET).  Roxana Radu will join us this time with a policy analysis of the initiative, looking at its advantages and limitations.  As background, Roxana is an Associate Professor of Digital Technologies and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University; her paper on the topic is available here


As before, please email me directly if you’d like to join the call and I’ll send you an invitation. 





From: Andrew Campling
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2024 1:50 PM
Subject: RE: DNS4EU Update


If you missed the update on the DNS4EU project yesterday with Robert Šefr, CTO of Whalebone, you can access the recording at  Email me directly if you’d like a copy of Robert’s slides. 

