Do you happen to have the URL address for IETF ?
Sure -!
The manner that you are suggesting will be hard to use for the end user. Which will prefer to enter the DN and let the system network management to the resolving work. It might be the case for the universal IPNP system to behave in the manner that you are describing, but the end user still need a simplified way to enter the DN.
The user would only chose a phone number - like they use it in the usual phone communications. Conversion from the standard phone number to the "*.*.*...*" form should be done by the client application used for placing a call. Of course, the application might also have many other capabilities, like a gateway to a phone-book database, which might be on a local site, network etc. But - all of that is a matter of the client application. I've only described ONE possible solution, easy for network managers and ready to be implemented NOW - at least from the administrative point of view. I don't think there aren't better solutions! Internet telephony is a complex area, with much problems yet to be solved, like signalization, call processing, gateway parameters exchange etc. Best regards, Beri .-------. | --+-- | Berislav Todorovic, B.Sc.E.E. | E-mail: | /|\ Hostmaster of the YU TLD | |-(-+-)-| School of Electrical Engineering | Phone: (+381-11) 3221-419 | \|/ Bulevar Revolucije 73 | 3370-106 | --+-- | 11000 Belgrade SERBIA, YUGOSLAVIA | Fax: (+381-11) 3248-681 `-------' --------------------------------------------------------------------