Stream Service wrote:
Also a test page like SIDN has for the nameservers and some other registries have should be nice so we can check what RIPE registers. So a web frontend for the current test so people can test it when they want to test it and not waiting for a new email from RIPE to see if it is changed correctly.
To be just a little bit more precise: the SIDN testpage currently only checks for domains with extension. We are in the process of renewing our DNScheck. It might in the future even be able to check more than just .nl We are working closely together with our fine collegues from .SE regarding these improvements and hence I would like to recommend their great dnscheck-page: It should be able to test al zones, include But bear in mind it is new software, which may not be entirely free of errors. Feel free to contribute to it, in order to improve it! :-) There is also a mailinglist. Best regards, -- Marco Davids SIDN