At 17:42 13/05/03, Patrik Fältström wrote:
The answer to this is buried in the debate over whether the reverse map "MUST" be supported. This debate is happening (dormantly for now) in the IETF DNSOP WG. I think the answer is yes - based on the observation that no one is debating whether the forward map is needed. ;) I can't offer a pat answer to "why?" (but where there's smoke there's either a fire or a troll). ;/
My personal view is that _if_ the IETF DNSOP WG is coming to the conclusion that there should be delegations there, the requirements and view on "what is good and what is bad" should be the same.
DNS is DNS is DNS.
May I comment - may be wrongly as a "user". Reading this usual formula you use a question comes to me: which "DNS' do you refer to each time? The DNS definition is: it is three (actually four) different things (STD013): 1. the domain namespace the resource records 2. the name servers 3. the resolvers I am wrong in feeling that actually what you also talk about is also a fith thing: a query protocol ("will I get the response I ask for?"). IMHO this might have an impact on the way one conceives, explains, tests the obligations of the participants? As a DNS non-geek, I must say I am happy when it works. The same as when IE delivers me the nice HTML page I want and that Netscape does not delivers. However I am fully consious I am wrong, and that this may dagerous ("when the last NS turns lame" as you say). What I want to say is that if the DNS - seen as a protocol by the user is resillient - it is also a danger. Without being imposed rules, I am sure users would be happy to be _toldà about their risks, mistakes etc. and way to improve their set-up. When I cannot register a ".fr" or a ".tp" name because of the retsrictions imposed by their NICs I am upset. I would prefer - and I would be gratefull - if they told me what is wrong I could correct when I want, but securing the DN in the meanwhile? As does ".ws" if I am correct (you can force the registration). Example: when the nameserver is on the same machine as the site, I never understood why I would need two name servers. Either the machine is in operation or not. Why could I not have only one nameserver in that case? Had to use two IP addresses on the same machine, with two names for the same nameserver once to get a ".tp" name validated. I would be really interested if Patrick's work permitted that: to tell me what may be wrong in my files and to teach me to correcty right them? jfc