On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 12:40:58AM +0200, Lasse Jarlskov <lasse@jarlskov.dk> wrote a message of 19 lines which said:
I always thought that ccTLDs could only be assigned if they are on ISO-3166-1. Indeed thats what http://www.icann.org/icp/icp-1.htm says.
And before that, RFC 1591. But both these documents do not handle the case of disappearing countries (see .SU and .YU). Most Internet users want stable names and therefore would not agree with the disparition of a domain.
Yet, acording to http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/02iso-3166-code-lists/lis... EU is not on that list.
Rules always have exceptions :-) In Europe, see .AC, .GG, .IM and .JE, which are in the root but were never in ISO-3166 (I always mention this when people say that things were better with Jon Postel).