Dear DNS folks,
As many of you are aware, a group of researchers and other interested
people and groups has been building and operating a root server testbed
over the past year. This is the Yeti DNS project:
We have just finished our first experiment, and have started our second
one. The network has 25 root servers from 14 different organizations,
along with a number of recursive resolvers configured to use them.
We have approached the RIPE NCC to encourage them to run a Yeti root
server, and they feel that this is something that we should engage with
the RIPE community about.
We are still looking for more Yeti root operators, and we think that
the RIPE NCC would be awesome in this capacity, given their unique role
in the DNS world (they are the only RIR who is also a root operator,
plus they do a lot of work supporting various ccTLD). Personally I
think that the goals of the Yeti project fit in very well with
the mission of the RIPE NCC.
Please let us know what you think about this idea. I'm happy to answer
any questions about the project or what it would mean for the RIPE NCC
to run a Yeti root server.