Thanks for this Shane

I sent you a pull request mapping some of the RFCs to part of your list.  There are definitely a few more - like Marco's suggest on the DNSSEC validating resolver draft now in WGLC in DNSOP

more text coming


On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 3:19 AM Shane Kerr <> wrote:

I have no strong feelings about where a joint document should be
authored, although I don't really think e-mailing around drafts of Word
documents is the right solution. As a coder, I figured that of course
GitHub is the simplest and most logical solution. 😉

My thinking now is that we can proceed like this:

* List everything that seems possibly appropriate.
* Try to organize it into some sort of rough outline.
* Dig into the details and discuss each of them as a group.
* Assign people to do research about things that we need more knowledge
about or just don't feel certain of.
* Iterate until we're happy.
* Champagne. 🍾

To start that, I've put a brain-dump of random things that we may wish
to consider in GitHub:

My thinking right now is that anyone can make a pull request with
suggested additional topics that might usefully fall under a RIPE BCP
document, and we can add it to the list.

I've already got a couple of issues for stuff that needs to be done
based on Mattermost discussions; please don't hesitate to create an
issue if you don't have time or energy to make a pull request with
specific changes:


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