Community Health Village: Useful Workshops & Sessions for Digital Rights Defenders
Dear all, here are workshops with topics relevant to Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (J.E.D.I. !) Regards, Vesna From: Team CommUNITY <> We are happy to announce the sessions and workshops of the inaugural Community Health Village. This year’s theme is Sustainable Networks & Movements, and features diverse mental healthcare practitioners who will share knowledge on how to achieve healthy and sustainable work environments in our communities and spaces. Topics range from conflict resolution to therapy to Mayan healing. The Village was designed based on the findings of our 2020 Community Health Report. /// While this workshop is not part of the village, it's worth mentioning! This is being hosted by our MENA Meetup Group!! @ October 21 | CKS: Even the Finest of Warriors Yara Sallam will discuss her book, Even the Finest Warriors, which deals with issues that have been long ignored because they have been categorized as personal issues: personal health, financial security, psychological health, and more. <> // Community Health Village // @ Nov 2 | Understanding & Designing your Mental Health Plan Mathero Nkhalamba will demystify diverse types of healing practices, with an eye towards cultural and religious considerations, and help you understand how to design your own mental health plan. <> @ Nov 9 | Regenerative Activism Explore collective and personal tools that make our activism more effective and sustainable, while ensuring that our orgs and movements reflect the values we are fighting for. <>@ Nov 10 | Imagining Alternative Worlds through Activism Three transdisciplinary designers will take us on a journey to imagine and make concrete a future filled with joy and hope.The workshop is inspired by the work of designer James Auger who coined the term “perpetual bridge” - the space between the world as we want it to be and the world as it is now. <>@ Nov 11 | Mayan Healing Ceremony Nana Marina, a Ajq’iij, or Mayan spiritual guide from Guatemala, will be conducting wisdom and peace for human rights and digital rights defenders. The Mayans are recognized as being the guardians of the sacred fire through ceremonies focused on the Mayan calendar. <> @ Nov 16 | Dealing with Distress in the Digital Rights Community: What can you do as a community leader? Participants will be trained on the basics of peer-led psychosocial support and community engagement using the principles of Interpersonal Counseling (IPC). <> @ Nov 18 | Embodied Connection Holistic therapist, Leila Ghadder, will take us on a trance-like journey of breathwork, movement, play, and creativity, guiding us into cultivating safety within our bodies, and consequently with our external environments. <> @ Nov 23 | Dealing with Conflicts in Activists Groups & Teams In this workshop we want to take the very first steps on how to deal with conflicts in a constructive and respectful way. How to talk about conflicts without escalating through mutual accusations and interpretations? What settings are needed? What about power dynamics and different approaches to conflicts in diverse groups – how can a team create a climate that enables everyone to speak up. <> Please reach out if you have any questions! We look forward to see you soon! (((With Glitter)))) *-- Team CommUNITY at ARTICLE 19 * Organizers of the Internet Freedom Festival <> PGP: 2E1D CC33 A362 0BD6 236E 540A F60A 89AD 6FF9 7A2F You can now submit your news for the Digital Rights weekly <> directly. To post your job opportunities, submit your opportunities to our Job Board <>.
participants (1)
Vesna Manojlovic