On Fri, 26-03-2021 15h 55min, Alex de Joode <alex@idgara.net> wrote:
On Fri, 26-03-2021 13h 38min, Mirjam Kuehne <mir@zu-hause.nl> wrote:
09 Nov 2020: TF Chair advises latecomer that TF is not empowered to
expand its membership, explains the arrangements to be made for
transparency, and encourages latecomer to contribute to the work of the
TF by posting to the TF mailing list.
Thank Mirjam,

I'm a bit curious about the word 'empowered'.

Does that mean that a TF can only do what is explicitly allowed, and there is no room for 'common sense'/'filling in the blancs' ?

IDGARA | Alex de Joode | alex@idgara.nl | +31651108221