Hi all, I read this and wanted to pass it on: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/613320/ais-white-guy-problem-isnt-going-a... The research they cite recommends: "The researchers offer several recommendations for improving workplace diversity in a more comprehensive way. These include measures aimed at closing the pay and opportunity gap, increasing diversity at the leadership levels across departments, and changing the incentive structures for company executives to hire and retain workers from underrepresented groups." ...which leads me to think this: What is the TF doing to address the extreme lack of diversity in the RIPE community leadership, eg: RIPE PC, RIPE WG Chair Collective? In the RIPE PC, we have two women and 11 men and almost no racial diversity. In the RIPE WG collective, we have 28 WG Chairs - 4 women. Same as ^ for racial diversity. Tackling diversity in the community leadership is key for us to acheive our goals of increasing D&I at RIPE Meetings. Interesting to note...I've been spending some time doing some data gathering to see if there's any correlation between the # of female presenters in a WG when there's a female WG Chair. I'll report back when I'm finished (it's a lot of manual work). Anyways - curious to get a dialogue started on this. Thanks, Amanda