Hi all Gearing up to the discussions we will be having around the new CoC draft (and the CoC Team), we would like to get an idea about the climate of unwanted behaviours our attendees have experienced or witnessed over the years. We have heard a lot of stories from people...but as we've never had a proper reporting channel to investigate/handle reports, it's hard to imagine the scope of the problem. We've also heard many people say "there is no problem." The intention for this survey is to illustrate why this work on the CoC is so important - to make the meetings safer. This is not a reporting tool - we are specifically asking people not to divulge any identifying remarks. Here is the link for the survey (anyone on the TF who would like to share their story may also do so): <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/N6S5SJ3> Regards Denesh