Hi everyone, I'm *thrilled* to finally announce that RIPE 78 is now listed on diversitytickets.org and we now have it listed as an official sponsorship package for RIPE Meetings! Organisations (or individuals) can send up to three attendees from underrepresented parts of the tech community to a meeting. The selection is done by diversitytickets.org and the RIPE NCC will assist with visa invitation letters as needed. Please spread the word far and wide! Tickets will be added to the event as sponsorship funds are allocated. More info on RIPE Labs: https://labs.ripe.net/Members/agowland/do-good-at-ripe-78-sponsor-a-diversit... More info about becoming a Diversity Ticket Sponsor (or On-Site Childcare!): https://ripe78.ripe.net/sponsors/become-a-sponsor/ Oh, and we now have a dedicated section for Diversity on the meeting website: https://ripe78.ripe.net/diversity/ If you have any questions, please let me know. Warm regards, Amanda