Hi, I’ve wondered whether to reply to this, but I feel I should to confirm the role of the Trusted Contacts as they (we) currently stand.
I don't know if this is the same in Netherlands, but in many countries, if you (either citizen or organization) know about a possible illegal action, you must report it, otherwise may be liable of covering-up an illegal activity.
I am, obviously, not a lawyer. I do not play one on TV. On a good day I barely even manage to design a network. However, the training for the role as a Trusted Contact was heavily based on what is known as a ‘vertrouwenspersoon’ in Dutch (apologies if I have mis-spelled that, Google suggests one translation as a “confidential advisor"). There is, as I understand it, no legal requirement for a third person to report a crime to the authorities in The Netherlands (or, as far as I am aware the UK or the US). The reason I want to point this out, is to stress that people can contact the Trusted Contacts in complete confidence. We will listen to what you have to say, and in doing so there is no requirement for others to know what is being said to us. Now, as I said at the start, I am not a lawyer, and this may well be different across other parts of the region the RIPE NCC operates, and even meets, in. This is also *my* understanding. It is a very interesting point to discuss, as I wonder if our obligations might be different if we were once again to meet face-to-face in another country — a day I very much look forward to. Cheers, Rob