Hi all, We have an opportunity to include a question on the meeting reg software in time for RIPE 75, but we need input by this coming Monday (hard deadline) if we want to have something in place. It's a chance to start gathering those metrics early. Question is, what do we want to include? One suggestion: What is your gender?* ☐ Female ☐ Male ☐ Non-binary/ third gender ☐ Prefer to self-describe _________________ ☐ Prefer not to say *And then we can have a pop-up info window to explain why we're asking this question: "We are committed to increasing diversity and inclusion at RIPE Meetings. One way we're doing this is to gather data to see where we need to improve. This data will only be used anonymously for metric benchmarking." Happy to hear your thoughts (soon please) so we can include this in our discussion with the developers. Many thanks, Amanda