Dear all, the meeting of the Diversity TF is scheduled to be on: - Monday, 15th October - 12:30 - 14:00 The room is called "Meerman I" (in front of the elevator). We should grab some food from the foyer (or lunch buffet) and then get together in the meeting room "Meerman I". Agenda: 12:30 - 13:00 getting food & eating it too 13:00 - 14:00 meeting 0. Introductions 1. Metrics & more metrics 2. Reporting on DONE actions 3. Re-wording the Code of Conduct 4. Publishing a guideline/checklist "Ten steps to increase diversity at your event" 5. Open & new actions & planning new meeting For the sake of planning, please let me (and not the list) know if you will be able to make it. For now, I have 8 people who confirmed - and the room is quite small; so please remember that this is a meeting form people who want to be actively involved and take over some actions on themselves before the next meeting. If we need more time or larger space, we can schedule follow-up meeting at the other (breakfast?) time during the week. Related activity for us might also be the BoF session on Tuesday, 18:00-19:00 "community navel gazing" . See you soon! Vesna