On Thu, 13 Jun 2019 17:12:07 +0200 Amanda Gowland <agowland@ripe.net> wrote:
Hi all, Hi All
I wanted to share some background behind our motivation to pilot Slido at RIPE 78: https://labs.ripe.net/Members/agowland/the-microphone-is-the-devil-some-know...
And also, if you appreciated/support that we continue to use such a tool, now is the last chance to submit feedback on the RIPE 78 Feedback Survey: https://ripe78.ripe.net/feedback/
Just adding my support of Slido. I tried it and it has: * Moderation yay, not everything is interesting * Voting, getting answers to the most interesting questions mean A LOT * Concise, there is an upper limit to prevent the long and winded question like things that are sent on the irc channel that some poor soul from RIPE NCC has to read aloud even if it was not worded in a good way, maybe even from a non english speaker so the presenter has no way to know how to even parse the monster, and since no question mark can be seen when reading it presenter has no way to respond - I have done MANY presentations and Q/A scares me a lot, not hearing the questions right and having to ask for the third time, "I cannot understand" would seem disrespectful, but my hearing combined with accents uuurrrgggghhh I think priority to Slido was very interesting and helps force people to at least try it. If I am accepted in the future I might ask for it to be prioritized in my talk. Note: it may or may not be a good thing to ask for, and may or may not be a good thing to tell audience that? IRC has a lot of problems with history not being shown when you connect Slack has other problems other chat functions are chats ... Slido is designed for this and worked pretty good even for the first try. Where I come from, I have been at +5 RIPE meetings I think I use IRC daily I dont mind going to a mic -- Mvh/Best regards Henrik — Henrik Lund Kramshøj, Follower of the Great Way of Unix internet samurai cand.scient CISSP hlk@kramse.org hlk@zencurity.dk +45 2026 6000