(Also dropped ncc-services wg) On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 06:38:12PM +0200, Denis Walker wrote:
3) Differnce in notification messages
We have been asked to highlight changes in the notification message between the old and new objects for a modification operation. This is particularly useful when "import:" and "export:" attributes are changed in large AUT-NUM objects.
This has now been implemented as a selectable option. To request it the user includes the keyword DIFF. When this DIFF keyword is used each object in the notification message that is a modify operation will include a difference before the standard output of the old and new versions of the objects. So the output will have the difference listing followed by the old and new objects.
For example, a new subject line may look like this
Subject: changes to aut-num: as1234 KEYWORDS: DIFF
While this is already usefull, I mostly struggle with this problem when I get a notify about a change because on the notify line in either the object or the maintainer. In that case you of course can't set a keyword. Can the diff also be included in these notification messages in all cases? Regards, Andre Koopal MCI